Hemp Seeds and Oil Combo Small 250g and 250ml
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More Omega 3 than fish oil
Hemp seeds contain more essential Omega 3 and 6 than fish, chia, flax or sacha inchi seeds! By adding hemp to your daily diet, you’ll be getting 20 essential fatty acids and Omegas 3, 6 and 9 in the ideal ratio for the human body.
Source of fibre and protein
Grown and harvested in Tasmania, our organic hemp offers a plant alternative with amino acids, vitamins, minerals, fibre and at least 40% protein. Cold-pressed and finely milled, hemp protein can be easily added to smoothies, bread or pizza dough and baked treats.
100% safe and strictly regulated
Hemp is part of the Cannabaceae plant family, but no, you can’t test positive on a drug test by eating hemp seeds. All of our products contain hemp seed oil which is strictly regulated in Australia to make sure there’s no psychoactive effect.
Hemp seed oil is the oil obtained by cold pressing the ripened fruits (seeds) of a plant in the genus Cannabis.
Hemp seed oil does not contain cannabinoids, such as CBD, apart from trace levels that may be present from inadequate cleaning of the seeds.
Hemp (sometimes called Industrial Hemp) is a plant of the Cannabaceae family. Strict regulation ensures that hemp has no psychoactive effect.
Proven to be an effective source of healing, our organic hemp products offer a powerful plant-based alternative to soothe muscle tension and restore sensitive skin, while building a sustainable future.
NO. Hemp is a superfood, it contains all 20 essential fatty acids, GLA, Omegas 3,6 and 9 in the perfect ratio for the human body, and in seed form is also 30% protein!
It's unlikely that the relative laws of your area will allow this. Growing of all forms of Hemp require a licence. Please check with your local Department of Primary Industry.
Please consult your medical professional regarding specific medications.
NO. All of our products contain Hemp Seed Oil which is strictly regulated in Australia.