Ingredients List
Arnica is used for bruises, sprains, muscle soreness, and muscle spasms often associated with sports activity. Arnica is also used to treat muscular aches, joint pain, and arthritis.
It is believed that the arnica plant has anti-inflammatory properties. Arnica has also been used for wound healing, superficial phlebitis, inflammation caused by insect bites, and swelling caused by broken bones.

Calendula oil is a natural oil extracted from marigold flowers (Calendula officinalis). It’s often used as a complementary or alternative treatment.
Calendula oil has antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial
properties that might make it useful in healing wounds, soothing eczema, and relieving nappy rash. It’s also used as an antiseptic.

The flowers, leaves, and stems of chickweed have long been used to make oral decoctions, extracts, and teas. Today, chickweed is more commonly used in topical ointment form to treat a variety of skin conditions. The consumption of chickweed, while common in some cultures, is typically avoided due to the risk of side effects.
It is believed to treat the following skin conditions
- Burns
- Contact Dermatitis
- Diaper rash
- Eczema
- Insect Bites
- Itchy Skin
- Psoriasis
- Rashes
- Wounds
- Splinters
- Rabies
- Joint pain

The use of chamomile in skincare has been traced all the way back to Ancient times, including ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. Today, chamomile is still ingested and applied to the skin for its anti-inflammatory properties. To add the skin-loving properties to this balm, coconut oil is infused for several weeks with chamomile herb

In foods, cinnamon is used as a spice and as a flavouring agent in beverages.
In manufacturing, cinnamon oil is used in small amounts in toothpaste, mouthwashes, gargles, lotions, liniments, soaps, detergents, and other pharmaceutical products and cosmetics.
Cinnamon bark contains an ingredient known as tannins, which are an organic substance common in many different tree barks. Tannins are particularly useful medicinally for their astringent properties when treating wounds. These tannins tend to draw blood and tissues back together, which is why it aids in treatment of wounds. Moreover, it can also be a beneficial anti-inflammatory agent.

Our organic Cocoa butter is high in essential fatty acids, and has the ability to hydrate and nourish the skin and improve its elasticity and tone. Cocoa butter prevents and minimizes the appearance of scarring and stretch marks. One of the reasons that cocoa butter is so valuable is its high concentration of antioxidant compounds, including oleic acid, palmitic acid, and stearic acid which prevents aging. The moisturizing effect of cocoa butter effectively treats and fades dark circles under the eye as well.

Our organic virgin cold pressed Coconut Oil is used to create an oily, protective barrier on the skin. It is high in healthy fats and emollients making it perfect for skin and hair care. Coconut oil is known to reduce inflammation, keeps skin moisturised and helps heal wounds. The medium-chain fatty acids found in coconut oil also possess antimicrobial properties that can help treat acne and protect the skin from harmful bacteria.

Our organic Cocoa powder is a natural plant derived extract rich in the trace minerals of magnesium, calcium and iron, rich in antioxidant and smells great.

It is a compound called allantoin, found in the roots and leaves of comfrey, that makes this herb so beneficial. Research suggests that allantoin helps the body grow new skin cells and also has the ability to help in regeneration of connective tissues. `
Comfrey also possesses high amounts of tannins and rosmarinic acid and tannins that help in skin cell growth. This is beneficial in the treatment of open wounds, sores and rashes.
It is extremely moisturising on the skin, will tighten the skin and helps to improve skin tone by reducing age spots and pigmentation.
Comfrey is also a mild analgesic and can help reduce pain and inflammation.

Cinnamon oil contains biomarkers which help reduce skin inflammation, clearing rashes and acnes. It works well for clearing coughs and colds and will help relieve pain, protect against insects and stave of infections.

Clove oil contains eugenol which is a powerful antiseptic, anti inflammatory and carries antioxidant properties which help aid with acne – specifically killing biofilms and bacteria which create acne.
It is such a powerful antioxidant and preventative oil it will help fight free radicals on the skin and in the body helping to slow ageing and degeneration. Clove oil helps relieve headaches with its powerful odour and cooling effects and will also moisturise the area and will reduce pain when applied topically.
- Relieves pain and stress
- Expectorant helps alleviate colds, coughs, asthma and sinusitis
- Relieves acne and wrinkles
- Antimicrobial/viral
- Insect repellent

Eucalyptus Essential Oil supports the respiratory system and soothes physical discomforts. The healing benefits of Eucalyptus Oil can be attributed to its anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties and is useful for colds and flus and works as a decongestant and antiseptic agent.

Frankincense is known for its antiseptic, astringent, carminative properties not only to strengthen the skin’s elasticity but help it to reduce skin irritations, scaring, acne and heal wounds.
- Frankincense carries strong anti-inflammatory properties that helps enhance the body’s immunity and stave of illness.
- Helps boost your immune system
- Great for digestive system
- Reduces respiratory system

Ginger helps soothe and calm digestive issues. Ginger has also been recognised as an aphrodisiac. This oil is warming and can aid circulation while also encouraging the elimination of toxins and bacteria in the skin and body.

Honey contains significant natural antioxidant properties that aid in rejuvenating the skin and protecting it from the damaging effects of UV rays. Honey is an anti-bacterial agent and also acts as a humectant meaning it is a water-binding agent.

Our Hemp Seed oil is Premium quality cold pressed, 100% Australian, hypoallergenic, raw whole food, cold pressed from one ingredient, hemp. It contains the perfect 1:3 ratio of the essential fatty acids omega-3 and 6, making it perfect for everyday health!
When applied topically, hemp works to deliver moisture to distressed skin, improve the skin’s overall function and strengthen its barrier. Organic, pure hemp seed oil, found in our Daily Range and Super Range, is a rich source of proteins, nutrients and minerals and vitamins E, C, B1, B2, B3 and B6.
In skin care, linoleic acid helps provide healing support, moisturising and anti-inflammatory support. It also helps keep the skin soft and supple, while allowing the skin to absorb other active ingredients such as antioxidants. The oil pressed from hemp seed contains 55-60% linoleic acid, and 18-25% linolenic acid, making it one of the best natural sources available.
Containing naturally occurring antioxidants and neuro-protectants, soothes inflammation and provides essential omegas and fatty acids to help cellular repair whilst blocking UV and allowing Vitamin D in!
Optimum Essential Fatty Acids Ratio
Omega-3 fatty acids in Hemp oil have shown to decrease inflammation, and may help reduce the risk of annoying skin conditions by preventing blockage of skin follicles.

Jojoba Oil has rejuvenating and conditioning properties which make it nourishing for both skin and hair.

Kunzea oil has been shown to help with temporary relief from arthritis’s, aches and pains, relief of the symptoms from flu, it helps relieve nervous tension stress and mild anxiety.
Kunzea oil will relax muscles and help to reduce inflammation and pain at the same time increasing blood flow to calm nerve endings.
- Relief from arthritis
- Relief of symptoms of flu and influenza
- Relief from muscular aches and pains
- Relieves nervous tension, stress and mild anxiety
- Temporary relief of pain from rheumatism

Lavender is great for antioxidant protection and helps to clear out free radicals in the body. It is antimicrobial and when added with other essential oils is great in healing cuts and burns.
It is a great aromatic smell which helps with depression, brain oxidative stress, cognitive ability and boosting mood functions/sleep. It has also been found to serve as a natural treatment for Alzheimer’s. It is also used to aid cramping especially for dysmenorrhea for mensural cramps and Lower abdomen.
- Helps clear free radicals out of the body
- Helps heal cuts, wounds and abrasions
- Relieves depression and helps boost mood/sleep function
- Relief from abdominal cramping, period pain

Lemongrass Oil is a purifying oil that helps to release negativity. It is also a great warming oil when applied to aching muscles. Lemongrass Oil is anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and has anti-fungal properties as well.

Myrrh has extensive health benefits. Ancient Egyptians used it to prevent aging and maintain healthy skin. It effectively cleans, moisturizes, and tightens the skin, thereby reducing and preventing further chapping, cracking, and sagging making it great for all skin types and all ages.
Myrrh works as a powerful antioxidant that maintains skin health by easing the fading of unwanted blemishes therefore great for anti-aging and skin rejuvenation. It soothes skin discomforts such as itchiness and symptoms of eczema among other skin ailments. Myrrh essential oil facilitates the regeneration of skin and accelerates the healing of skin ulcers, sores, and lesions, making it great for all problem skin conditions.
Myrrh carries antioxidants that help with oxidative damage and clearing free radicals and is extremely holistic in the prevention of infections working as a fungicide, on viral colds and coughs and working as an antiseptic. It clears our respiratory system and stimulates excretion of bile for better absorption of nutrients in the body.
Myrrh contains anti-inflammatory compounds, some which work on the opioid receptors helping to reduce headaches, swelling, joint pain and back pain.

Orange Essential Oil is beneficial for maintaining the health, appearance, and texture of skin by promoting clarity, radiance, and smoothness, thereby reducing the signs of acne and other uncomfortable skin conditions. Applied in a massage, Orange Essential Oil is known to increase blood flow.
- Prevents skin infections, good for eczema and psoriasis
- Cleans, moisturizes and tightens the skin
- Its anti-inflammatory reduces joint pain, back pain, headaches
- Promotes sweating good for riding free radicals from your body
- Reduces scaring with its astringent properties and helps strengthen blood flow to area。

Patchouli oil works to relieve tension and anxiety as well as providing nourishment to dry and irritated skin. It can deodorize body odours, soothe inflammation, fight water retention, break up cellulite, relieve constipation, promote weight loss and facilitate the faster healing of wounds by stimulating the growth of new skin.

- Is used internally for irritable bowel syndrome, digestive problems, headaches and flu symptoms
- Topically its used to help with muscle aches, irritation/itching and relieve headaches.
- It improves the health of skin, relieves the respiratory system and helps clear the airwaves
- Peppermint will give you an energetic boost
- Relieves muscle aches
- Relieves irritation and itching and headaches
- Expectorant for the airways
- Boosts mood and energy levels

Sandalwood Oil is known as an anti-inflammatory and an anti-septic oil. Its aroma is a sweet earthy and woody fragrance that is relaxing and soothing. Sandalwood is known to aid meditation and can improve mental clarity.

Saffron Oil is a rich oil that is known to hydrate the skin and treat scars, acne, discoloration, wounds, fine lines, and wrinkles.

Sweet Almond Oil is a great moisturiser for all skin types and is absorbed easily leaving the skin feeling fresh and soft which is why it is one of the most popular carrier oils used in massage therapy. It is also rich in Vitamin E which keeps your skin cells healthy and helps protect from UV radiation.

- Be a strong antibacterial and antiseptic agent that may be beneficial for application to areas of minor burns, cuts, bites, and bruises
- Generally support skin health
- Remove excess natural skin oil
- Diminish the appearance of blemishes and wrinkles
- Improve the skin’s resiliency
- Moisturize dryness to alleviate itchiness
- Exfoliate to remove dead cells and reveal new skin, which can enhance natural radiance and promote a supple, healthy, revitalized appearance
- Cleanse, clarify, smooth, calm, invigorate, and brighten the skin

Is an antioxidant which helps clear free radicals on the skin. Especially helpful for reducing scaring on the body and adding essential oils necessary for skin rejuvenation and hydration – it is a very beneficial anti-ageing. It will help sooth itching and other skin inflammation through moisturising the skin such as psoriasis and eczema.

Wintergreen is a warm and soothing oil that can be used topically to help heal blemishes on the skin. It also aids in reducing pain and has anti-arthritic and anti-septic properties.

Ylang Ylang has traditionally been used for its calming and balancing properties. It has been known to help relieve extreme mood swings associated with PMS. It is helpful for anxiety and stress as well as just producing a cheerful atmosphere.